Sexual intercourse also need to be trained. You and your partner need to continue to practice as well do it. Things you can do is when you perform a sex position, sex positions vary by several changes in motion. Avodah Offit, MD, author of The Sexual Self stated variations sex position needs to be done to make a couple more passionate sexual intercourse. ''Try to put your feelings together, and feel the pressure changes on every movement made your partner. That way, you'll find yourself a position where the most appropriate and gives the sensation that the maximum of a position, he said Offit.
Dry humping
If you usually have sex with naked condition, trying to do the opposite. Perform occasional sex by wearing a dress. For example work clothes, parties, sports clothes, or even a swimsuit. At least, according to the advice of a sex therapist Joel D Block, PhD in his book Secrets of Better Sex.
Do not be passive
Avoid the passive attitude during intercourse. Sexual intercourse is a passive, less able to burn 300 calories to your body. ''Sexual activity is also a form of physical exercise,''said Dr. Michael Cirigliano, an expert from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Of course, besides the pleasure that you get, you can also look fit.
Need for preparation when they want to have sex. Self-cleaning is one of preparation that can be done. Prepare also a situation where you'll do that later. After that, try to make the opening with something mild, like watching romantic movies. Therefore, the romantic film turns out to arouse the latent female sex, says Dr Jade Sheen, a psychologist from Deakin University.
Letters and flirty
Try to hold a sex game with your partner. One way is to send a letter that will contain your sexual desires of the passionate. The letter which you addressed sex on your partner's, can make the couple realize that you're wanted at the time. This technique was pioneered by the author of Mars and Venus in the Bedroom, John Gray, PhD. (mediaindonesia.com)
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